The following rules provide a basic guide to playing beer pong, a game popular at parties. However, it should be noted that there may be regional variations as well as individual preferences that result in different rules of the game. Our suggested rules serve as a starting point and can be modified based on your preferences

Game preparation:
- Beer Pong is usually played with two teams, each consisting of two players.
- Set up a ulighted LED Beer Pong table.
- Place 10 cups in a pyramid shape on each side of the table.
- Fill the mugs with beer. Use either beer or a soft drink.
- Each team stands on one side of the table.

- The teams take turns throwing two ping-pong balls at the opposing team's cups.
- The goal is to throw the ball into one of the opposing team's cups. If a ball lands in a cup, the opposing team must drink the cup and remove it from play.
- The first team to hit all of the opposing team's cups wins the game.
special rules
The game can be varied by some special rules. Basically everyone can play the game as they want. These special rules are some commonly used special rules that make the game even more interesting.

special rule
As soon as the ball touches the plate, it is considered free and can be knocked away with the hand. If it is not blocked and lands in a cup, the opposing team must remove two cups.

special rule
If the ball is caught behind the plate without touching the plate or cup, the throwing team must remove a cup.

special rule
Each team has the option of rearranging and recombining the opponent's six and three remaining cups.

special rule
If both team members score a goal, the so-called BallsBack principle is used. The players can throw again and the hit cups come off the table as usual.

special rule
Same hit
If both team members hit the same cup, the opposing team must remove two more cups. In addition, the BallsBack rule comes into effect.